Ministère des Finances du Cameroun


State budget execution review at the end of june 2023

Published on : 30/11/23 1:37 PM

In accordance with section 85 sub-section 8 of Law No. 2018/012 of July 11, 2018 on the Fiscal Regime of the State and Other Public Entities, which states that “Government shall before Parliament, for information and control purposes, quarterly reports on the execution of the budget in revenue and in expenditure as well as on the implementation of the finance law. These reports shall be made available to the public” and section 36 of the Code of Transparency and Good Governance, which states that “Periodic reports on the budget implementation status shall be published during the year “, the Ministry of Finance has undertaken to produce a mid-term review of budget execution.

This review reports on the status of execution of the 2023 Finance Law as at June 30. As an accountability document, it provides parliamentarians and the public with more information on the management of public funds in 2023. In addition, it helps to establish recommendations that will contribute to the correction of shortcomings noted at mid-term. Ultimately, this document provides MINFI with an analytical tool for regular monitoring of budget execution in a context marked by the quest for greater budgetary discipline.

The mid-year review covers only general budget operations. The data used come from the TABORD at the end of June 2023 produced by the Forecasting Division, based on information from the Autonomous Sinking Fund (CAA), MINEPAT, DGB, DGI, DGD and DGTCFM.

Special themes concern overriding procedures (imprest accounts, cash advances), transferred resources, floating debt and the state of public procurement.