Under the authority of a Director General, the Directorate General for the Budget is responsible for :
- The implementation of the government’s budgetary policy
- Forecasting fiscal developments,
- Budgetary framework,
- The preparation of draft State finance laws
- The execution of the State investment budget in liaison with the Ministry in charge of public investments,
- Monitoring and implementation of the priority investment programme, in liaison with the Ministry in charge of public investment,
- The control, audit and evaluation of programmes within the framework of the state budget,
- The development of procedures for modernising expenditure circuits,
- The collection and use of all information relating to the preparation of the budget, in liaison with the administrations concerned,
- The preparation, monitoring, evaluation and control of the execution of the State’s operating budget, in liaison with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development.
- The preparation of the summary note on the execution of the State budget in liaison with the administrations concerned,
- The preparation of the budget note,
- The development and monitoring of the application of budgetary regulations
- The development and implementation of the budget reform, in liaison with other relevant departments,
- Monitoring and evaluation of subsidies granted by the State to public institutions and public bodies.
- The management of debts and public shareholdings
- The consolidation of budgetary information with that of decentralised local authorities and public institutions.
- Centralization and analysis of data on public spending programmes
- Monitoring the level of physical and financial implementation of development programmes or projects financed from external resources, in liaison with the administrations concerned of the implementation of the medium-term expenditure framework,
- Guidance and supervision of the action of financial controls, both at the central and deconcentrated levels,
- The consolidation of the administrative accounts of the authorising officers,
- The production of the annual control report,
- The administrative accounting of state expenditure,
- The production of data and performance indicators on the evolution of budgetary expenditure,
- The implementation of the government’s wage policy, in liaison with the ministry in charge of the civil service;
- Drafting and monitoring the application of laws and regulations relating to staff expenditure, in liaison with the relevant administrations,
- Analysis of the financial impact of the texts on staff and pension expenditure;
- The preparation and consolidation of statistics on the balance of payments,
- Control of the pay processing structures operating within the Ministry and other administrations;
- The management of the central pay file for State personnel,
- Management of the file of pensions and life annuities,
- The production of pension statements,
- Monitoring the repayment of pension contributions for seconded staff.