Ministère des Finances du Cameroun


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The situation on the budget execution at the end of the first semester of 2020 is available

Cameroon’s Ministry of Finance has just released the budget execution situation as of the end of June 2020. This mid-term report focuses on three areas: mobilization of budgetary resources, monitoring of budgetary expenditures and finally the basic budget balance. With regard to budgetary resources, the State of Cameroon mobilized resources amounting to 2516.8 billion CFA

Budget Conferences 2020: Preparation of the 2021 state budget intensifies

The Budget and Commitment Plan Conferences were held from October 5 to 10, 2020 in the conference room of the General Directorate of Budget under the responsibility of the Minister of Finance, represented by the General Director of Budget. In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2019/281 of May 31, 2019 establishing the State

DGB officials trained in administrative writing in English

From October 21 to 23, 2020 was held at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé, the training seminar on Administrative Drafting in English Language. Chaired by Mr. Cyrill EDOU ALO’O, Director General of the Budget, this meeting was attended by the Deputy Director of General Affairs of the General Directorate of the Budget (DGB), Departmental Financial

For a better sharing of good practices on the sectoral budget support procedures of the 3rd Debt Reduction and Development Contract

From October 28 to 30, 2020, was held in the city of Mbankomo, a workshop for sharing and upgrading of actors in the steering and monitoring of sectoral budget support (ABS) of the 3rd Contract of Debt Reduction and Development C2D. This workshop comes within the framework of the additional bilateral debt cancellation effort of

The Minister of Finance shall set the date for the end of the commitments and approvals of the 2020 state budget

The Minister of Finance, Mr. Louis Paul Motaze, has just signed an important memorandum on the cessation of commitments and authorizations for the 2020 budget year. In this memorandum issued on November 5, Minfi notifies financial controllers and public accountants that the dates for stopping commitment, authorization and cash operations on the State budget and

End of 2020 State budget commitments and authorizations

The Minister of Finance, Mr Louis Paul Motaze, has just signed an important instrument: Service memo on the closure of commitments and payment authorizations for the budget year 2020. In this memo issued on 5 November, MINFI notifies financial controllers and public accountants that the dates for stopping commitment, authorisation and treasury operations on the State

Consult Cameroon’s 2019 finance law

The President of the Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency Paul Biya promulgated on December 11, 2018, after the adoption of the bill in the National Assembly and Senate, the finance law of Cameroon for the financial year 2019. The state budget stands at CFAF 4850.5 billion and has an increase of CFAF 161 billion compared

Consult the circular on the implementation of the 2019 budget.

On 28 December, Finance Minister Louis Paul Motaze signed the Circular of Instruction on the execution of finance laws, monitoring and control of the execution of the budget of the State and other public entities for the financial year 2019. A true compass for the monitoring and control of budget execution for the financial year