Ministère des Finances du Cameroun


Latest news

The dissemination of the Citizen Budget 2021 in the Decentralized Territorial Communities has just been launched

On April 15, 2021, was held in the conference room of the Hotel des Députés in Yaoundé, an official opening ceremony for the training of trainers who will be involved in the dissemination of the Citizen’s Budget 2021 in the Decentralized Territorial Communities of Cameroon. This ceremony was organized by the Institute of Higher Studies

MINFI and MINDDEVEL set the budget calendar of Regional and Local Authorities

The Joint Order N°000031/AC/MINDDEVEL/MINFI of 03 March 2021 establishing the Budgetary Calendar of Regional and Local Authorities is available. It determines and highlights the major annual stages of preparation, voting and approval of the budgets of Regional Councils, Town Councils and Councils. The decree also identifies the actors and structures responsible for these stages and

Capacity building of financial controllers (phase 5)

From 15 to 19 March 2021, the 5th training session for Financial Controllers was held at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel. This seminar is part of the continuity of a series that started in 2020 and at the end of which nearly 111 Financial Controllers were trained on modules that take into account the trend in

Third session of the PAGFI Steering Committee

The third session of the steering committee of the second phase of the Financial Governance Support Project was held on Thursday 1 April 2021 at the Hilton Hotel. Chaired by the Director General of the Budget, the work and discussions of this session mainly dealt with the follow-up of the recommendations of the steering committee

The Ministry of Finance assists the Regions in the preparation of their first program budget

For a better efficiency of the budget preparation process of the Regions. In order to harmonize this approach at the national level, a joint team from MINDDEVEL and MINEPAT, the Ministry of Finance, accompanied the said Regions from April 6 to 15, 2021 in the elaboration of their budgets through advisory support and with a

Launch of Phase 2 of the Open Government Project in Cameroon

On Wednesday, 7 April 2021, the launch ceremony of the second phase of the Open Government in Cameroon was held at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel under the chairmanship of Professor PEKASSA NDAM, representative of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Joseph DION NGUTE. This conference, jointly organized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Capacity Building for Financial Controllers (Phase 4)

From September 20 to 25, 2020, was held in Ebolowa the 4th phase of a cycle of capacity building of Financial Controllers and staff of the Division of Budgetary Control, Audit and Quality of Expenditure, which is part of the implementation of the training plan for staff of the Directorate General of Budget. Chaired by

Capacity building of CAS-COVID-19 actors

Under the supervision of the Director General of the Budget, and the coordination of the Head of the Division of Budgetary Control, Audit and Quality of Expenditure, was held on Wednesday, September 09, 2020 at the Hotel Djeuga Palace, the capacity building workshop of the actors of CAS-COVID-19 This workshop results from the optimal implementation

Special Conferences on Non-Tax Revenue Budgeting: A First

For the first time in its history were held from September 7 to 12, 2020, the Special Conferences on the Budgeting of Non-tax Revenue. This conference was instituted by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Louis Paul Motaze to improve the forecast of this category of revenue in the budget, to revitalize the monitoring and collection

Minfopra revisits the methodological guide for developing organic frameworks

Under the supervision of the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph LE and the technical coordination of Mr. TCHAGADICK NJILLA Yves Alain, Permanent Secretary for Administrative Reform, was held from 03 to 04 September 2020 at the Bengo Hotel in Ebolowa, a workshop for the revision of the Methodological Guide for the elaboration