Ministère des Finances du Cameroun


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2023 Finance Law : the draft finance law provides for a budget of CFAF 6,345.1 billion

The government has just tabled the Cameroon Finance Bill for the year 2023 for consideration by Parliament. The State budget is balanced in terms of resources and charges at CFAF 6 345.1 billion against CFAF 6 080.4 billion in 2022, an increase of CFAF 264.7 billion, representing a rate of 4.4% compared to 2022. The

The network of management control coordinators will soon meet on best practices of management control

For two weeks now some Ministries (MINFI, MINEPAT, MINESUP, MINSANTE, MINEPIA, MINADER, MINTSS, MINPROFF) in collaboration with GIZ, under the Support Programme for the Modernisation of Public Finances, have been working prior to the workshop on the sharing of experiences and best practices of the network of management control coordinators.The first scoping meeting chaired by

Audit of the floating debt: The Minister of Finance extends the deadline for the submission of claims confirmation documents

Within the framework of the on-going debt confirmation operation, the Minister of Finance recalls that as a result of the relatively low participation of creditors in producing the additional documents required for the processing of their pre-selected files, an appropriate mechanism has been put in place in the premises of his ministry in Yaounde Block

The State Budget Execution Review as at June 2022 is available

Budget execution during the first half of 2022 is characterized by a satisfactory level of mobilization of budgetary resources. Established at 2 750.7 billion CFAF, budgetary resources represent 46.0% of the annual estimate of 5 977.7 billion CFAF. By component, oil revenue represents 49.9% of the annual estimate LFR and non-oil revenue was 49.8%, of which 50.9% was

Audit of the State’s floating debt: the Ministry of Finance invites providers to confirm their requests by 18 November 2022

Within the framework of the audit of the floating debt of the State and its divisions for the period from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2019, service providers who have submitted files to claim claims on the State and its divisions must absolutely go to the MINFI/DGB and confirm their claims no later than

Ordinance : The President of the Republic increases the State budget by CFAF 615.2 billion for the 2021 financial year

In an ordinance signed on 7 June 2021, the President of the Republic, Paul Biya increases the State budget for the year 2021 by CFAF 615.2 billion or 12.64%. This ordinance amends and supplements certain provisions of Law No. 2020/018 of 17 December 2020 to lay down the finance law of the Republic of Cameroon

State budget management: Programme 274 once again on a management dialogue

On Tuesday 15 June 2021, the Yaounde Hilton Hotel opened its doors to participants in the third management dialogue of Programme 274 “State Budget Management”, for the 2021 budgetary year. On the agenda, the review of the activities of the Global Plan of Public Finance Management Reforms (PGRGFP) included in the Annual Work Plan (AWP)

DGB organizes a consultation on the development of tools for the operationalization of gender-based budgeting

From 16 to 18 June 2021, a workshop was held at the United Hotel in Mbankomo to develop tools for the operationalization of gender responsive budgeting (GRB). The workshop was chaired by Mrs. MEKIA Félicité Linda, Head of the Budgetary Accounts Consolidation Unit, representing the Head of the Budget. Reform Division, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment

DGB trains actors of the payment chain

From 27 to 28 May 2021, a workshop on the Method of Payment (MDR) chain was held at the Djeuga Palace in Yaounde. In effect, in order to strengthen the capacities of the actors of the said chain and to harmonize the technical process of authentication of documents in the MDR file, the Ministry of

For a better orientation of users in the processing of salaries and pensions in the public administration

Chaired by the Director of Personnel and Pensions (DDPP) in place of the Director General of the Budget, the ceremony for the presentation of the practical guide for the processing of salaries and pensions was held on 24 June 2021 at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel. Present at the ceremony were the Director of Personnel and