Published on : 16/01/23 3:13 PM
“The choice of the Littoral Region to host this important event in the budgetary life of our country is not insignificant. As the economic pillar of the country, this region has every year the heavy responsibility of carrying the budget of the State by the level of resources it mobilizes. This year, as you have certainly noticed, the level of demand will be even greater in view of the many challenges we face. We will come back to this. It therefore seemed natural to start the awareness campaign with the citizens of the Littoral, whose dynamism and vivacity we know, and with their administrative authorities, whose firmness and determination are no longer in need of demonstration.
This is an opportunity for me to express my gratitude to the Governor of the Littoral Region, the President of the Littoral Regional Executive, the Mayor of the City of Douala, their collaborators, as well as to the noble and hospitable populations of the entire Region, for the warm welcome extended to me and the delegation accompanying me since our arrival in this beautiful city.
Allow me also to salute the massive and very reassuring presence at this meeting of all the actors in the execution of the Region’s budget. Ladies and gentlemen, administrative authorities, local elected officials, elites and economic operators, your presence here is a testimony to the interest you take in the effective and efficient implementation of public administration budgets, which is a guarantee of harmonious economic and social development of the whole country in general, and of the Littoral Region in particular (…)
In order to support the implementation of these public policies, the overall budget for the 2023 financial year is CFAF 6,345.1 billion, as against CFAF 6,080.4 billion in 2022, an increase of 264.7 billion in absolute terms and 4.4% in relative terms.
The Littoral Region, in its two components, Littoral 1 and Littoral 2, takes a large share of this, with an envelope of almost CFAF 100 billion comprising centrally managed and deconcentrated management allocations. This envelope is dedicated to the continuation and completion of various second-generation projects in the health, agriculture and infrastructure sectors, with a view to improving the living conditions of the region’s populations. These various allocations are proof of the public authorities’ desire to complete the major projects initiated in the region under the best possible conditions and to start new ones, in accordance with the objectives of the NDS30. These include:
To name a few.” Louis Paul Motaze