Ministère des Finances du Cameroun


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The laws of 11 July 2018 relating respectively to the fiscal regime of the State and other public entities, and the Code of transparency and good governance in the management of public finances in Cameroon have enriched the process of elaborating the finance law with a crucial stage that is the Budgetary Orientation Debate (BOD).

State budget execution review at the end of june 2023

In accordance with section 85 sub-section 8 of Law No. 2018/012 of July 11, 2018 on the Fiscal Regime of the State and Other Public Entities, which states that “Government shall before Parliament, for information and control purposes, quarterly reports on the execution of the budget in revenue and in expenditure as well as on

State budget execution report for the 2022 financial year

Despite the difficult socio-economic situation throughout the year, the budget execution at the end of December 2022 is characterized by satisfactory results both in the mobilization of resources and in their use for the implementation of public policies. The State execution budget shows an overall deficit balance of 307.7 billion (1.1% of GDP). This deficit


A three-day capacity building seminar organised by the NCPBM on program budget took place at the Yaoundé Conference Centre from 9-11 May 2023. Chaired by the President of the NCPBM, His Excellency Peter MAFANY MUSONGE, this workshop had as objective to enlighten members of the Commission on the philosophy and procedures of the program budget.

Audit of the Special National Solidarity Fund to fight against Coronavirus

The health crisis linked to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which has been affecting Cameroon since March 2020, like all the countries in Africa and the world, prompted a strong response from the Government, through a Global Response Plan estimated at CFAF 479 billion over three years. Within this framework, Ordinance No. 2020/001 of 03 June

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) equipped for the dissemination of the citizen budget

The ceremony of handing over the kits made up of the different formats of the citizen budget to the different civil society organisations took place on Thursday, 23 March 2023 in Mbakomo. Ten civil society organisations (COSADER, CRADEC, PLANOSCAM, AFROLEADERSHIP, HEGTD, JEUDI DE COTONOU, CRADIF, I-WATCH, ODDPE and GTOG), working in the field of public

Official launch of the 3rd PEFA evaluation in Cameroon

The Minister of Finance, His Excellency Louis Paul MOTAZE, has just officially launched the 3rd evaluation of Cameroon’s public financial management system according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) methodology. The ceremony was attended by the main administrations involved in this evaluation, Civil Society as well as Technical and Financial Partners. In setting

Cameroon welcomes a third National PEFA

The Cameroonian government is truly committed to aligning its National Public Financial Management System with international standards. Since 2007, the country has subscribed to various international assessments, including the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) programme. The third PEFA evaluation currently underway in our country is an opportunity to adjust in terms of PFM and

Review and analysis of public entities’ budget documents

The issue of performance and transparency in Cameroon’s public finance management system is part of the implementation process of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (NDS30).  In order to achieve the objective, it is necessary that the actors in the budgetary chain, who are also actors in performance, take ownership not only of the reforms but

The Calendar for the Publication of Public Finance Statistics 2023 is available

The Minister of Finance, His Excellency Louis PAUL MOTAZE, signed on Monday 13 February 2023, the Calendar for the publication of Public Finance Statistics 2023. This is not just a catalogue of intentions. It is the materialisation of a clear will to establish transparency in the management of Public Finances in Cameroon as a central